• 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

    3TREES "Qilin" helmet | A brilliant appearance in HK, China
    2024.10.22       Category: News


    文脉传承,弦歌不辍 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏“麒麟”头盔璀璨亮相中国香港

    3TREES "Qilin" helmet makes a brilliant appearance in Hong Kong, China

    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏服务

    近日,在庆祝香港品质保证局成立35周年的盛大活动中,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏携中国国家自行车队“麒麟”头盔惊艳亮相,赢得了现场嘉宾的瞩目和广泛赞誉。“麒麟”头盔是尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏为国家自行车队征战巴黎赛事所精心设计并涂刷的装备,设计上融合了现代创新元素与中国传统文化精髓,将可持续发展理念融入头盔的每一个细节之中,彰显了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏在环境、社会与治理(ESG)理念的坚定践行,赋予了活动新的思考维度与发展启示。

    Recently, at the grand event celebrating the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, 3TREES made a stunning appearance with the "Qilin" helmet of the Chinese National Cycling Team, which won the attention and wide praise of the guests on the scene. The "Qilin" helmet is the equipment carefully designed and painted by 3TREES for the national cycling team to compete in the Paris event. The design combines modern innovative elements with the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and integrates the concept of sustainable development into every detail of the helmet, demonstrating 3TREES's firm practice of the concept of environment, society and governance (ESG), and giving the event a new dimension of thinking and development inspiration.



    The "Qilin" helmet demonstrates a new height in technology and environmental protection

    “麒麟”头盔的亮相,展示了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏在产品创新以及可持续发展方面的积极探索和优秀成就。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏秉持“道法自然”企业经营哲学和“永远向上”企业精神,坚持做“更健康”的产品,打造更出色的“中国漆”。

    The appearance of the "Qilin" helmet shows Sankeshu's active exploration and outstanding achievements in product innovation and sustainable development. Sankeshu adheres to the "Immitation of Nature" business philosophy and the "Always Striving for Progress" corporate spirit, insists on making healthier products and creating a better "Chinese Paint".


    从冬奥的“大圣”头盔,到亚洲赛事的“哪吒”头盔,再到巴黎赛事的“麒麟”头盔,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏不断突破健康环保标准的新高度,始终秉持“极致健康、极致应用、极致性价比”的产品研发理念,持续提升创新研发能力。

    From the "Monkey King" helmet of the Winter Olympics, to the "Nezha" helmet of the Asian Games, to the "Qilin" helmet of the Paris Games, 3TREES has continuously reached new heights of health and environmental protection standards, always adhering to the product development concept of "extreme health, extreme application, and extreme cost performance", and continuously improving its innovative research and development capabilities.

    在涂刷“麒麟”头盔的过程中,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏对头盔的涂层材料进行全新升级,采用自主研发的水性双组分聚氨酯工业涂料,不仅满足绿色环保标准,拥有极低VOC排放,还赋予了头盔牢固漆膜且丰满质感、色彩表现出色;同时提高头盔的耐冲击与抗磨损能力,为自行车运动员提供更为坚实可靠的安全防护;在生产时不引入重金属等有害物质,健康环保,可常温自干或者低温烘干,有效降低能耗,实现良好的节能减排效果。

    In the process of painting the "Qilin" helmet, 3TREES has completely upgraded the coating material of the helmet, using its own independently developed water-based two-component polyurethane industrial coating, which not only meets the green environmental protection standards and has extremely low VOC emissions, but also gives the helmet a firm paint film with a full texture and excellent color performance. At the same time, the coating improves the impact resistance and wear resistance of the helmet, providing cyclists with more solid and reliable safety protection. In addition, during the production process, 3TREES pays attention to health and environmental protection, and does not introduce harmful substances such as heavy metals. The coating can be dried at room temperature or at low temperature, effectively reducing energy consumption and achieving good energy-saving and emission reduction effects.

    图片 4.png


    "Monkey King Helmet" 

    图片 5.png


    "Nezha" Helmet

    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏工业涂料的高新产品特质、头盔所传达的体育精神内核,与联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)高度契合,涵盖了目标3(良好健康与福祉)、目标9(工业、创新和基础设施)、目标12(负责任的消费和生产)以及目标17(促进目标实现的伙伴关系)。

    The high-tech product characteristics of 3TREES industrial coatings and the sportsmanship conveyed by the helmets are highly consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), covering Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Achievement of the Goals).



    Maintain cultural self-confidence and convey good wishes

    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏坚持文化自信,尊重和传承中国优秀传统文化,将中国体育精神与传统文化相融合,赋予了头盔独特的文化内涵,承载着对国家队运动员勇创佳绩的美好祝愿。

    3TREES insists on cultural self-confidence, respects and inherits China's excellent traditional culture, integrates Chinese sports spirit and traditional culture, gives the helmet unique cultural connotation, and carries its best wishes for the national team athletes to achieve great results.

    作为中国奥委会官方涂料独家供应商、2024年奥运会中国体育代表团官方涂料独家供应商,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏以古代神话瑞兽为灵感,为中国国家自行车队设计并涂刷寓意祥瑞平安的“麒麟”头盔。图案灵感汲取自故宫麒麟面部特征,保留了狮头、圆额及鹿角特征,并在此基础上进行二次艺术创作。头盔麒麟额头以中国传统书法书写“胜”字,象征着胜利与荣耀;侧边则巧妙融入元素与英文“China”字样,两者交相辉映,展现出东西方文化的和谐共融。

    As the exclusive official coating supplier of the Chinese Olympic Committee and the exclusive official coating supplier of the Chinese sports delegation for the 2024 Olympic Games, 3TREES takes inspiration from ancient mythological beasts to design and paint the "Qilin" helmet for the Chinese National Cycling Team, which symbolizes auspiciousness and peace. The pattern is inspired by the facial features of the Qilin in the Forbidden City, retaining the features of the lion head, round forehead and deer antlers, and secondary artistic creation is carried out on this basis. The forehead of the helmet Qilin is written with the word "Victory" in traditional Chinese calligraphy, symbolizing victory and glory; the side cleverly integrates the "fire" element and the English word "China", which complement each other and show the harmonious integration of Eastern and Western cultures.

    香港品质保证局在推动质量标准和可持续发展方面一直发挥着重要作用,其35周年庆典活动更是汇聚各界精英和优秀企业,共同探讨行业的未来发展趋势尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏“麒麟”头盔在香港品质保证局35周年活动上精彩亮相,展示了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏对ESG理念的深刻理解与积极践行,助推行业可持续发展。

    The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency has always played an important role in promoting quality standards and sustainable development. Its 35th anniversary celebration brought together elites and outstanding companies from all walks of life to discuss the future development trends of the industry. 3TREES brought its "Qilin" helmet to the 35th anniversary event of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, demonstrating 3TREES' deep understanding and active practice of the ESG concept, and promoting the sustainable development of the industry.


    文脉传承,弦歌不辍,历久弥新。中国式现代化既要物质财富极大丰富,也要精神财富极大丰富、在思想文化上自信自强,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏坚持创新技术与传统文化碰撞,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏以“更健康的中国漆”为品牌核心,更高标准、更环保的产品满足人民美好生活需要,为全球可持续发展目标的顺利实现贡献力量。

    The music of 3TREES culture is everlasting. Chinese modernization requires not only great material wealth, but also great spiritual wealth, self-confidence and self-improvement in ideology and culture. 3TREES insists on the collision of innovative technology and traditional culture, takes "The Healthier Chinese Paint" as the core of the brand, and meets people's needs for a better life of higher standards and more environmentally friendly products, contributing to the smooth realization of global sustainable development goals.
